C450CPN-4C Johnson 1 Ao

Control Module with LCD, Four-Button Touch-Pad and Analog Output; Provides one analog output (0-10 VDC or 4-20 Ma) for proportional control. Provides Differential Control and High Input Signal Selection. 24 volts Order sensor separately.

Johnson Controls


Price Add to Cart
$187.86 EA
Item Description Price Add to Cart
A99BB-200C A99BB-200C Johnson
$43.70 EA
C450SBN-3C C450SBN-3C Johnson
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C450YNN-1C C450YNN-1C Johnson
$65.68 EA
DPT2640-010D DPT2640-010D Johnson Controls
$152.78 EA
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$266.27 EA
P499RCP-101C P499RCP-101C Johnson Controls
$185.11 EA
P499RCP-107K P499RCP-107K Johnson
$206.50 EA
P499VCP-107K P499VCP-107K Johnson Controls
$206.50 EA
TE-6000-1 TE-6000-1 Johnson
$42.38 EA
TE-6311M-1 TE-6311M-1 Johnson
$26.16 EA
TE-6311P-1 TE-6311P-1 Johnson
$78.54 EA
TE-68NT-1N00S TE-68NT-1N00S Johnson
$79.68 EA

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